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所属大学: 南开大学

所属院系: 生命科学

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无王磊的教学风格


王磊 学历: 博士 职称: 长江学者,杰出青年,特聘教授 专业方向: 微生物遗传与进化、进化基因组学、微生物表面抗原功能基因 招生专业: 微生物学、生物化学、生物信息学 人员简介: 王磊,男,1962年9月出生于天津,1984年7月毕业于南开大学生物系微生物专业,1987年9月赴澳大利亚悉尼大学微生物系留学,1992年12月以优异成绩获博士学位。 1993年1月起,在澳大利亚悉尼大学微生物系从事博士后工作。1997年1月起,担任澳大利亚国家微阵列研究中心微生物检测芯片研发负责人,并兼任悉尼大学微生物系研究员和博士生导师,负责致病微生物特异分子标识和芯片的研发工作,在世界上首次提出了基于细菌表面多糖抗原基因的特异分子标识筛选并进行致病菌检测的理论,形成了利用现代分子生物学技术进行致病菌检测的技术核心。期间,曾兼任国际经合组织和美国农业部研究中心研究员。 2001年9月归国,任南开大学特聘教授,并获国家杰出青年基金资助,2002年9月入选国家教育部“长江学者奖励计划”第五批特聘教授。2002年9月,组建了南开大学泰达生物技术学院,并任首任院长至今。2005年1月,组建了天津市功能基因组与生物芯片研究中心,并任主任至今。2003年7月起,任南开大学校务委员会委员。 2001年回国以来,组建和领导了一支100余人的包含生命科学不同领域高水平研究人员的科研创新团队,建立起了具有世界水平的基因组学、功能基因组学、生物信息学和生物芯片四个研发平台,并在上述生命科学的基础和前沿领域取得了丰硕的成果,具备了国内领先、世界一流的科研和产业化能力,初步确立了我市在生命科学前沿领域的优势地位。 主要研究领域为基因组学与功能基因组学、微生物遗传与进化、致病菌的快速鉴定等,是微生物遗传与进化领域中较为活跃的青年科学家。作为负责人,累计承担国家级和省部级科研项目近20项,已在国际顶级科学刊物《自然》(Nature)发表学术论文2篇(均为共同责任作者),在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)发表学术论文1篇(为责任作者),在国际微生物学权威刊物FEMS Microbiol Rev.,J Bacteriol.,J Clin Microbiol.等发表论文87篇。获得美国发明专利2项,国内发明专利92项。其中1篇《自然》杂志文章是我市科学界首次在该杂志发表封面文章,也是我国生命科学领域自2000年以来第三次在该杂志发表封面文章。在《美国国家科学院院刊》发表的文章也是天津地区诞生的第一篇在该杂志发表的论文,此项成果获2007年度教育部中国十大科技进展奖。这是自教育部1998年组织评选中国高校十大科技进展以来,我市和南开大学的成果首次入选。 多次获得省部级奖项和荣誉称号:2003年12月获中共天津市委、天津市人民政府授予的“天津市优秀留学人员”称号;2005年3月获天津市人民政府授予的“天津市授衔专家——基因工程”专家称号;2006年2月获共青团天津市委员会等授予的“天津市杰出留学回国青年创业者”称号;2006年9月入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才”;2007年12月获2007年“度教育部全国十大科技进展奖”(第一完成人);2008年1月获2007年度“天津市自然科学一等奖”(第一完成人);2005年、2007年两次获天津市五一劳动奖”;2008年获得“天津市杰出留学人员”荣誉称号。 王磊带领的团队还获得了2008年度“天津市模范集体”的荣誉称号。 现担任的职务包括:南开大学泰达生物技术学院院长,南开大学国家微生物重点学科学术带头人,南开大学校务委员会委员,天津市功能基因组与生物芯片研究中心主任,教育部分子微生物学与技术重点实验室主任,天津市微生物功能基因组学重点实验室主任,国家自然科学基金委员会“生命科学部”第十届、第十一届评审组专家,中国医药生物技术协会生物芯片分会副主任委员,传染病预防控制国家重点实验室学术委员会委员,江南大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室学术委员会委员。 截至2009年6月,王磊共发表论文90篇(88篇SCI收录,2篇发表于PLoS One)。 *代表责任作者 1. Jie Pan, Jin Wang, Zhengfu Zhou, Yongliang Yan, Wei Zhang, Wei Lu, Shuzhen Ping, Qilin Dai, Menglong Yuan, Bin Feng, Xiaoguang Hou, Ying Zhang, Ruiqiang, Ma, Tingting Liu, Lu Feng, Lei Wang, Ming Chen*, and Min Lin* 2009. IrrE, a Global Regulator of Extreme Radiation Resistance in Deinococcus radiodurans, Enhances Salt Tolerance in Escherichia coli and Brassica napus PLoS ONE. 4(2)( 2009),e4422. 2. Thomas Ferenci, Zhemin Zhou, Thu Betterdge, Yan Ren, Yu Liu, Lu Feng, Peter R. Reeves, and Lei Wang*. Genomic Sequencing Reveals Regulatory Mutations and Recombinational Events in the Widely Used MC4100 Lineage of Escherichia coli K12. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(12) ( 2009),4025-4029. 3. Andrei V. Perepelova, Vyacheslav L. L’vov, Bin Liu, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Mariya E. Shekht, Alexander S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, Petr G. Aparin, Lei Wang, and Yuriy A. Knirel. 2009. A new ethanolamine phosphate-containing variant of the O-antigen of Shigella flexneri type 4a. Carbohydrate Research. In press. 4. Perepelov AV*, Liu B, Senchenkova SN,Shashkov AS,Shevelev SD, Feng L, Wang L & Knirel YA. Structure of the O-antigen and characterization of the O-antigen gene cluster of Escherichia coli O108 containing 5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-l?glycero-d-galacto-non-2-ulosonic (8-epilegionaminic) acid. Biochemistry (Mosc) (2009) Accepted. 5. Andrei V. Perepelova, Vyacheslav L. L’vov, Bin Liu, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Mariya E. Shekht, Alexander S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, Petr G. Aparin, Lei Wang, and Yuriy A. Knirel. A similarity in the O-acetylation pattern of the O-antigens of Shigella flexneri types 1a, 1b, and 2a. Carbohydrate Research. 344(5) ( 2009),687-692. 6. Yayue Li, Boyang Cao, Bin Liu, Dan Liu, Qili Gao, Xia Peng, Junli Wu, David A. Bastin, Lu Feng and Lei Wang*. Moelcular detection of all 34 distinct O-antigen forms of Shigella. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 58(2009): 69-81. 7. Quan Wang, Andrei V. Perepelov, Lu Feng, Yuriy A. Knirel, Yang Li, Lei Wang*. Genetic and structural analyses of Escherichia coli O107 and O117 O-antigens. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology. 55(1)(2009), 47-54. 8. Lei Wang, Bin Liu, Zhemin Zhou. Research progress in genomics of environmental and industrial microorganisms. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 52(1)(2009), 64-73. 9. Ray Ming, Shaobin Hou, Yun Feng, Lei Wang* & Maqsudul Alam*. The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya(Carica papaya Linnaeus) Nature.452(7190)(2008), 991-U7. 10. Bin Liu, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lu Feng, Andrei V. Perepelov, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Quan Wang, Peter R. Reeves & Lei Wang*. Structure and genetics of Shigella O antigens. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 32(4)(2008), 627-653. 11. Lu Feng*, Bin Liu, Yanqun Liu, Yuli A. Ratiner, Bo Hu, Dan Li, Xiaolin Zong, Wei Xiong, and Lei Wang*. A Genomic Islet Mediates Flagellar Phase Variation in Escherichia coli Strains Carrying the Flagellin-Specifying Locus flk. Journal of Bacteriology. 190(13) (2008), 4470-7. 12. Inka Brockhausen, Bo Hu, Bin Liu, Kenneth Lau, Walter A. Szarek, Lei Wang & Lu Feng*. Characterization of two 1,3-glucosyltransferases from Escherichia coli serotypes O56 and O152. Journal of Bacteriology. 190(14) (2008), 4922-4932. 13. Shaobin Hou, Kira S Makarova, Jimmy HW Saw, Pavel Senin,Benjamin V Ly, Zhemin Zhou, Yan Ren, Jianmei Wang,Michael Y Galperin, Marina V Omelchenko, Yuri I Wolf, Natalya Yutin,Eugene V Koonin, Matthew B Stott, Bruce W Mountain,Michelle A Crowe, Angela V Smirnova, Peter F Dunfield, Lu Feng, Lei Wang* and Maqsudul Alam*. Complete genome sequence of the extremely acidophilic methanotroph isolate V4, Methylacidiphilum infernorum, a representative of the bacterial phylum Verrucomicrobia. Biology Direct 3(26)(2008), 1-25. 14. A.V. Perepelov*, Quan Wang, S. N. Senchenkova, S. D. Shevelev,A. S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, Y. A. Knirel, and Lei Wang. Structure and Characterization of the Gene Cluster of the O-Antigen of Escherichia coli O49 Containing 4,6-Dideoxy-4-[(S)-3-hydroxybutanoylamino]-D-glucose. Biochemistry(Moscow) 73(4)(2008), 406-410. 15. Andrei V. Perepelov*, Andrej Weintraub, Bin Liu, Sof ’ya N. Senchenkova, Alexander S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, Lei Wang, G?ran Widmalmg and Yuriy A. Knirela. The O-polysaccharide of Escherichia coli O112ac has the same structure as that of Shigella dysenteriae type 2 but is devoid of O-acetylation: a revision of the S. dysenteriae type 2 O-polysaccharide structure. Carbohydrate Research. 343(5)(2008), 977-981. 16. Quan Wang, Peng Ding, Andrei V. Perepelov, Yanli Xu, Ying Wang, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang, Lu Feng*. Characterization of dTDP-D-fucofuranose biosynthetic pathway in Escherichia coli O52. Molecular Microbiology. 70(6)(2008), 1358-1367. 17. Yi Ren, Bin Liu, Jiansong Cheng, Fenxia Liu, Lu Feng and Lei Wang*. Characterization of Escherichia coli O3 and O21 O antigen gene clusters and development of serogroup-specific PCR assays. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 75(2)(2008), 329-34. 18. Lu Feng, Peter R. Reeves, Ruiting Lan, Yi Ren, Chunxu Gao, Zhemin Zhou, Yan Ren, Jiansong Cheng, Wei Wang, Jianmei Wang, Wubin Qian, Dan Li, and Lei Wang*. A recalibrated molecular clock and independent origins for the cholera pandemic clones. PLoS ONE. 3(12)(2008), e4053. 19. Xueqian Liu, Chunxu Gao, Aixiang Zhang , Peng Jin, Lei Wang, Lu Feng*. The nos gene cluster from gram-positive bacterium Geobacillus thermodenitrificans NG80-2 and functional characterization of the recombinant NosZ. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 289(1)(2008), 46-52. 20. Min Wang, Boyang Cao, Qunfang Yu, Lei Liu, Qili Gao, Lei Wang, and Lu Feng*.Analysis of the 16S–23S rRNA Gene Internal Transcribed Spacer Region in Klebsiella Species. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 46(11)(2008), 3555-63. 21. Jimmy H. Saw, Bruce W. Mountain, Lu Feng, Marina V. Omelchenko, Shaobin Hou, Jennifer A. Saito, Matthew B. Stott, Dan Li, Guang Zhao, Junli Wu, Michael Y. Galperin, Eugene V. Koonin, Kira S. Makarova, Yuri I. Wolf, Daniel J. Rigden, Peter F. Dunfield, Lei Wang* & Maqsudul Alam*. Encapsulated in silica: genome, proteome and physiology of the thermophilic bacterium Anoxybacillus flavithermus WK1. Genome Biology. 9(11)(2008):R161. 22. Perepelov AV, Senchenkova SN, Shashkov AS, Knirel YA, Liu B, Feng L & Wang L (2008) Antigenic polysaccharides of bacteria: 41. Structures of the O-specific polysaccharides of Shigella dysenteriae types 4 and 5 revised by NMR spectroscopy. Bioorg Khim (Russian Journalof Bioorganic Chemistry) 34(4) (2008),513-21. 23. Perepelov AV, Senchenkova SN, Shashkov AS, Knirel YA, Liu B, Feng L &Wang L Structures of O-polysaccharides from two Shigella dysenteriae type 8 strains. Bioorg Khim (Russian Journalof Bioorganic Chemistry) 34(6) (2008),808-12. 24. Perepelov AV, Senchenkova SN, Shashkov AS, Liu B, Feng L, Wang L & Knirel YA (2008) Antigenic polysaccharides of bacteria: 40. The structures of O-specific polysaccharides from Shigella dysenteriae types 3 and 9 and S. boydii type 4 revised by NMR spectroscopy. Bioorg Khim (Russian Journalof Bioorganic Chemistry) 34(2008), 121-128. 25. Perepelov AV, Senchenkova SN, Shashkov AS, Knirel YA, Liu B,Feng L & Wang L (2008) A revised structure of the O-specific polysaccharide of Shigella dysenteriae type 10. Bioorg Khim (Russian Journalof Bioorganic Chemistry) (2008), In press. 26. Andrei V. Perepelov*, Weiqing Han, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Sergei D. Shevelev, Alexander S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, Yanqun Liu, Yuriy A. Knirela, Lei Wang. Structure of the O-polysaccharide of Escherichia coli O150 containing 2-acetamido-4-O-[(S)-1-carboxyethyl]-2-deoxy-D-glucose. Carbohydrate Research. 342(2)(2007), 648-652. 27. Lu Feng, Andrei V. Perepelov, Guang Zhao, Sergei D. Shevelev, Quan Wang, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Alexander S. Shashkov, Yunqi Geng, Peter R. Reeves, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang*. Structural and Genetic Evidence that the Escherichia coli O148 O Antigen is the Precursor of the Shigella dysenteriae type 1 O antigen and Identification of a Glucosyl Transferase Gene. Microbiology. 153(3-4)(2007), 139-47. 28. Lothar Beutin, Quan Wang, Dieter Naumann, Weiqing Han, Gladys Krause, Luciana Leomil, Lei Wang, Lu Feng*. Relationship between O antigen subtypes, bacterial surface structures and O antigen gene clusters in Escherichia coli O123 strains carrying genes for Shiga-toxins and intimin. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 56(2)(2007), 177-184. 29. Andrei V. Perepelov, Bin Liu, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Wei Wang, Alexander S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, , Lei Wang,Yuriy A. Knirela*. The structure of the glycerophosphate-containing O-specific polysaccharide from Escherichia coli O130. Russian Journal of Biooganic Chemistry. 33(1) (2007), 57-60. 30. Jiansong Cheng, Bin Liu, David A.Bastin, Weiqing Han, Lei Wang, Lu Feng*. Genetic characterization of the Escherichia coli O66 antigen and functional identification of its wzy gene. Journal of Microbiology. 45(1) (2007), 69-74. 31. Lu Feng, Wei Wang, Jiansong Cheng, Yi Ren, Guang Zhao, Chunxu Gao, Yun Tang, Xueqian Liu, Weiqing Han, Xia Peng, Rulin Liu, Lei Wang*. Genome and proteome of long-chain alkane degrading Geobacillus thermodenitrificans NG80-2 isolated from a deep-subsurface oil reservoir. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104(13) (2007), 5602-5607. 32. Guang Zhao, Andrei V. Perepelov*, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Alexander S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, Xiaomin Li, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang. Structural relation of the antigenic polysaccharides of Escherichia coli O40, Shigella dysenteriae type 9, and E. coli K47. Carbohydrate Research. 342(9)(2007), 1275-1279. 33. Wang W, Perepelov AV, Feng L, Shevelev SD, Wang Q, Senchenkova SN, Han W, Li Y, Shashkov AS, Knirel YA, Reeves PR, Wang L*. A group of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica O antigens sharing a common backbone structure. Microbiology-SGM. 153(Pt 7)(2007), 2159-67. 34. Han W, Liu B, Cao B, Beutin L, Krüger U, Liu H, Li Y, Liu Y, Feng L, Wang L*. DNA Microarray-Based Identification of Serogroups and Virulence Gene Patterns of Escherichia coli Isolates Associated with Porcine Postweaning Diarrhea and Edema Disease. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 73(12)(2007), 4082-88. 35. Chen C, Yu Q, Hou S, Li Y, Eustice M, Skelton RL, Veatch O, Herdes R, Diebold L, Saw J, Feng Y, Qian W, Bynum L, Wang L, Moore PH, Paull RE, Alam M, Ming R*. Construction of a Sequence-Tagged High Density Genetic Map of Papaya for Comparative Structural and Evolutionary Genomics in Brassicales. Genetics. 177(4) (2007), 2481-2491. 36. Ying Wang, Yanli Xu, Andrei V. Perepelov, Yuanyuan Qi, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang and Lu Feng* .Biochemical Characterization of dTDP-D-Qui4N and dTDP-D-Qui4NAc Biosynthetic Pathways in Shigella dysenteriae type 7 and Escherichia coli O7. Journal of Bacteriology. 189(23)(2007), 8626-35. 37. Peter F. Dunfield*, Anton Yuryev, Pavel Senin, Angela V. Smirnova, Matthew B. Stott, Shaobin Hou,Binh Ly, Jimmy H. Saw, Zhemin Zhou, Yan Ren, Jianmei Wang, Bruce W. Mountain, ichelle A. Crowe,Tina M. Weatherby, Paul L. E. Bodelier, Werner Liesack, Lu Feng, Lei Wang* & Maqsudul Alam*. Methane oxidation by an extremely acidophilic bacterium of the phylum Verrucomicrobia. Nature. 452(7190) (2007), 879-U18. 38. Perepelov AV*, Liu B, Senchenkova SN, Shashkov AS, Feng L, Knirel YA, Wang L. Close relation of the O-polysaccharide structure of Escherichia coli O168 and revised structure of the O-polysaccharide of Shigella dysenteriae type 4. Carbohydrate Research. 342(17) (2007), 2676-81. 39. Liu Li, Xueqian Liu, Wen Yang, Feng Xu, Lu Feng, Mark Bartlam*, Lei Wang*, and Zihe Rao. Crystal structure of long-chain alkane monooxygenase (LadA) in complex with coenzyme FMN: unveiling the long-chain alkane hydroxylase Journal of Molecular Biology. 376(2) (2007), 453-65. 40. Andrei V. Perepelova*, Bin Liu, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Alexander S. Shashkova, Lu Feng, Yuriy A. Knirela and Lei Wang. Structure of the O-polysaccharide of Escherichia coli O112ab containing l-iduronic acid. Carbohydrate Research. 343(3)(2007), 571-575. 41. Quan Wang, Min Wang, Fanrong Kong, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert, Boyang Cao, Lei Wang, Lu Feng*. Development of a DNA microarray to identify the Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes contained in the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine and closely related serotypes. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 68(1)(2007), 128-136. 42. Lei Wang*, Yun Tang, Shuo Wang, Ru-Lin Liu, Mu-Zhi Liu, Yan Zhang, Feng-Lai Liang, Lu Feng*. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Thermophilic Bacillus Strain Degrading Long-Chain n-Alkanes. Extremophiles. 10(4)(2006), 347-356. 43. Linyan Wen, Quan Wang, Yayue Li, Fanrong Kong, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert, Boyang Cao, Lei Wang, Lu Feng*. Use of a Serotype-Specific DNA Microarray for Identification of Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae). Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 44(4)(2006), 1447-52. 44. Jiansong Cheng, Quan Wang, Wei Wang, Ying Wang, Lei Wang, Lu Feng*. Characterization of E. coli O24 and O56 O antigen gene clusters reveals a complex evolutionary history of the O24 gene cluster. Current Microbiology. 53(6)(2006), 470-476 45. Bin Liu, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Lu Feng, Andrei V. Perepelov, Tianzheng Xu, Sergei D. Shevelev, Yajuan Zhu, Alexander S. Shashkov, Ming Zou, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang*. Structural and Molecular Characterization of Shigella boydii type 16 O antigen. Gene. 380(1)(2006), 46-53. 46. Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Lu Feng, Quan Wang, Andrei V. Perepelov, Dan Qin, Sergei D. Shevelev, Yi Ren, Alexander S. Shashkov, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang*. Structural and genetic characterization of Shigella boydii type 17 O antigen and confirmation of two new genes involved in the synthesis of glucolactilic acid. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 349(1)(2006), 289-95. 47. Andrei V. Perepelov*, Quan Wang, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Sergei D. Shevelev, Guang Zhao, Alexander S. Shashkov, Lu Feng, Yuriy A. Knirela, Lei Wang. Structure of a teichoic acid-like O-polysaccharide of Escherichia coli O29. Carbohydrate Research. 341(12)(2006), 2176-2180. 48. Yayue Li, Dan Liu, Boyang Cao, Weiqing Han, Yanqun Liu, Fenxia Liu, Xi Guo, David A. Bastin, Lu Feng, Lei Wang*.Development of a serotype-specific DNA microarray for identification of some Shigella and pathogenic Escherichia coli strains. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 44(12)(2006), 4376-4383. 49. Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Lu Feng, Jinghua Yang, Alexander S. Shashkov, Jiansong Cheng, Dan Liu, Yuriy A. Knirel, Peter R. Reeves, Qi Jin, Qiang Ye, Lei Wang*. Structural and Genetic Characterization of the Shigella boydii Type 10 and Type 6 O Antigens. Journal of Bacteriology. 187(7)(2005), 2551-54. 50. Lu Feng, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Jiang Tao, Alexander S. Shashkov, Bin Liu, Sergei D. Shevelev, Peter R. Reeves, Jianguo Xu, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang*. Structural and genetic characterization of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O145 O antigen and development of an O145 serogroup-specific PCR assay. Journal of Bacteriology. 187(2)(2005), 758-64. 51. Lothor Beutin, Jiang Tao, Lu Feng, Gladys Krause, Sonja Zimmermann, Kerstin Gleier, Qiuyu Xia, Lei Wang*. Sequence analysis of the Escherichia coli O15 antigen gene cluster and development of a PCR assay for rapid detection of intestinal and extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli O15 strains. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 43(2)(2005), 703-10. 52. Fanrong Kong, Weizhen Wang, Jiang Tao, Lei Wang, Quan Wang, Archcna Sabananthan, and Gwendolyn L. Gilbert*. A molecular-capsular-type prediction system for 90 Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes using partial cpsA-cpsB sequencing and wzy- or wzx-specific PCR. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 54(4)(2005), 351-56. 53. Lu Feng*, Weiqing Han, Quan Wang, David A. Bastin, Lei Wang*. Charaterization of Escherichia coli O86 O-antigen Gene Cluster and Identification of O86 Specific Genes. Veterinary Microbiology. 106(3-4)(2005), 241-48. 54. Jiang Tao, Lei Wang, Dan Liu, Yayue Li, David A.Bastin, Yunqi Geng, Lu Feng*. Molecular Analysis of Shigella boydii O1 O-antigen gene cluster and its PCR typing. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 51(5) (2005), 387-92. 55. Hongjie Guo, Qingke Kong, Jiansong Cheng, Lei Wang*, Lu Feng*. Characterization of the E. coli O59 and O155 O-antigen gene clusters: the atypical wzx genes are evolutionary relate. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 248(2)(2005), 153-61. 56. Lu Feng, Sof' ya N Senchenkova, Wei Wang, Alexander S Shashkov, Bin Liu, Sergei D.Shevelev, Dan Liu, Yuriy A. Knirel, Lei Wang*. Structural and genetic characterization of the Shigella boydii type 18 O antigen. Gene. 355(2005), 79-86. 57. Lothar Beutin, Qingke Kong, Lu Feng, Quan Wang, Gladys Krause, Luciana Leomil, Qi Jin, Lei Wang*. Studies on genes involved in synthesis and assembly of the new Escherichia coli O174 and O177 O antigens and development of O antigen specific PCR Assays. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 43(10)(2005), 5143-49. 58. Lei Wang , Bin Liu , Qingke Kong, Hartmut Steinrück, Gladys Krause, Lothar Beutin, Lu Feng* . Molecular Markers for Detection of Pathogenic Escherichia coli Strains Belonging to Serogroups O138 and O139. Veterinary Microbiology. 111(3-4)(2005), 181-190. 59. Gabrielle Samuel, John-Paul Hogbin, Lei Wang, Peter R. Reeves. Relationships of the Escherichia coli O157, O111, and O55 O-antigen gene clusters with those of Salmonella enterica and Citrobacter freundii, which express identical O antigens. Journal of Bacteriology. 186(2004),6536-43. 60. Hongjie Guo, Lu Feng, Jiang Tao, Chun Zhang, Lei Wang*. Identification of Escherichia coli O172 O-antigen gene cluster and development of a serogroup-specific PCR assay. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 97 (1)(2004), 181-90. 61. Lu Feng, Sof’ya N. Senchenkova, Jinghua Yang, Alexander S. Shashkov, Jiang Tao, Hongjie Guo, Jiansong Cheng, Yi Ren, Yuriy A. Knirel, Peter R. Reeves, Lei Wang*. Synthesis of the heteropolysaccharide O antigen of Escherichia coli O52 requires an ABC transporter: structural and genetic evidence. Journal of Bacteriology. 186(14)(2004), 4510-19. 62. Lu Feng, Wei Wang, Jiang Tao, Hongjie Guo, Gladys Krause, Lothor Beutin, Lei Wang*. 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